Taking a few bites of food on her own. The last seven days have been one test after another test. Some of which I have failed and others I feel like God prevailed! I have found this week to be the hardest so far on our journey here. More tears have fallen the last two days then on this entire journey. Madison's new broviac process has been a disaster. From mild things like surgery running late to very major thing like her still actively bleeding in all three incisions. Madison got platlets today, but so far the active bleeding continues. Her body has been through so much the last 37 days and today it shows. How can you pray? Please pray that active bleeding stops. Please pray liver continues to be happy. Please pray that we sleep tonight so Madison has her fight back in the morning and I have a clear head. I've tried to be honest and positive this entire journey, but today those two didn't really match up. Love you all!
Angie Rhodes
8/12/2015 10:05:38 am
We will praying for a happy liver and nleeding to stop and a good nights sleep!!
Billie Worker
8/12/2015 10:08:51 am
Bless you and your sweet girl! I am praying for you and for madison. I can't imagine your heart! It's ok to cry, it's ok to be afraid, it's ok to hurt for a moment. You have shown so much courage and strength thru the whole process! Praying for both of you!
sherry schneider
8/12/2015 10:17:59 am
I'm wearing my Team Madison shirt today that we wore at our Bible school. Hannah Konrad was our leader. Have worn it several times since. I've been praying and continue to pray for Madison and your family!!! God has you in his hands!!
Christy Forbes
8/12/2015 10:27:34 am
Praying for all of you!
Kari Hagy
8/12/2015 10:55:37 am
We pray for all of you daily!!
Susie Collier
8/12/2015 11:08:00 am
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all! Praying for a much better day tomorrow!
8/12/2015 11:10:42 am
Praying for Madison's healing and for you too!!
Jamie Harrison and family
8/12/2015 11:12:13 am
Thinking of you and praying for you all. Healing, strength, grace and peace be with you all.
Lisa Kelly
8/12/2015 11:43:06 am
God bless precious little Madison & her family. Dear Lord please stop the bleeding and let Madison & Lindsay get a good nights rest. I pray Lord that all of Madison's lab work comes back perfect. In Jesus name I pray...Amen.
Andrea (Donaldson) Zenker
8/12/2015 11:52:42 am
Praying for Madison and your entire family.
8/12/2015 12:00:49 pm
Love you! Many prayers
8/12/2015 12:03:48 pm
Lord I pray Psalms 4:over them both. In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone,Lord, make me dwell in safety.and also proverbs 3:24 when you lie down, you will not be afraid. When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
8/12/2015 12:04:15 pm
Sending prayers that the bleeding stops asap. I pray that Madison's liver continues to be healthy. I pray for you. Stay strong but don't beat yourself up when you have days like today. You are amazing.
8/12/2015 12:09:06 pm
Praying for peaceful rest and strength for you and all your family
Tina Benning
8/12/2015 12:53:28 pm
Many prayers , thoughts and hugs coming ur way. Your an amazing mom, wife and friend. Please know u are a true inspiration to so myself included. I pray god gives u strength, Madison a restless night and quick healing.
Brande Dunn
8/12/2015 01:44:33 pm
Sending prayers and hugs your way. God bless you all.
8/12/2015 01:57:10 pm
Praying for both of you to have the rest you need as satan uses fatigue to weaken us during the attack. Most of all praying for each of her organs to be healed and or protected from all these medical processes and for bleeding to stop. Also praying for good results from the bone marrow biopsy. Sending prayer and love your way.
8/12/2015 03:07:49 pm
Prayers for Madison and Mama today!!
Kim Casey
8/12/2015 03:20:36 pm
Praying for you and your entire family daily!
8/12/2015 08:48:10 pm
Your family is in our hearts and in God's hands. We pray for Madison some restful sleep and her body to heal.
Tammy England
8/12/2015 10:36:36 pm
Prayers for MADISON and mommy and family
Lori Kruenegel
8/12/2015 10:56:28 pm
Prayers for all! My heart aches for Madison and family. God bless you all..
8/12/2015 11:42:01 pm
Stay strong. ...saying many prayers for all of you. ..
Marsha Wodtka
8/12/2015 11:54:30 pm
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Prayers for healing and strength.
Vicki Berden
8/13/2015 02:36:13 am
I know that God knows all of Madison's needs, as well as the needs of her family. I'm praying that he will meet all those needs and give us all the patience to wait on Him to act. God's timing is not ours but I'm trusting in his plan and claiming a complete healing for Madison ! We are to pray with expectation . GOD'S Love and Peace on all of you.
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