Due to Madison's GVHD and continuous vomiting the idea of leaving by the end of the week is out the window:( We were praying to spend Labor day as a family of five in the apartment, but that is out of the equation.... All three of our babies are having separation anxiety.... Madison won't let me leave the room and Harrison and Mae scream when Ryan tries to go to the restroom or outside to work on the house.... Also, I think Ryan and I are having a little separation anxiety too.... We really miss each other! .... Or at least I miss him:)
In between puking episodes Madison was of course.....SMILING! Isaiah 41:10English Standard Version (ESV)10 fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with A)'>my righteous right hand.
I went on a scavenger hunt today to find someone God put on my heart weeks ago.... I went on four different sixth floors, into two different parking garages, and asked nine different people for help..... I knew from all of that there was a reason the devil didn't want me to find this "special" someone!
As I was getting ready to walk into the hospital room I could barely hold back the tears... This is odd for me! I've never met this person, but knew I needed to! Needless to say three hours later I felt like we had been friends my entire life. I actually even have tears rolling down my face as I write this.... All of the emotions this person is feeling I have felt.... August 30th..... usually I'm running around like a chicken this time of year... Final weekend before the farm opens, week before Wednesday night church programs begin, parades advertising the farm, lining up all of our help for the fall, trying to find sitters,.... you get my point INSANE! Then there is August 30th, 2015 when the things that used to matter don't.... The reality that the only thing that matters is loving God and loving others. The planner that used to have something on EVERY SINGLE DAY now looks empty... Those events, dinners, functions, etc. are now so unimportant to me..... I know this week is going to be busy with Labor Day weekend coming up, but what would happen if you cleared off an evening just to be home with your family? Abraham Lincoln once said, "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." I understand the term "busy," but is it how you want to live your life? Thank you to all who participated or donated to the Poker Run for Madison today!!!! We love and appreciate all of you! Special thank you to Jay, Ashlee, and Mitch!!!! I've definitely moved to the slow lane the last two months, but I've learned to watch everyone else as they pass by. My grandma called today and left me a message.... She was in tears sharing how all these motorcycles just came up Randloph wearing Madison shirts.... I couldn't call her back (way too emotional). My grandmother knows the sounds of our cars as they come up the hill, our footsteps as we walk in the door, and the true condition of our hearts. I know just by knowing my grandmother that what she felt today when motorcycles and jeeps passed by her house was pure joy. I've learned that those "slow" things in life we often don't pay attention to because we are in living in the "fast" lane. Ready to enjoy life and all the "slow" and small things! Enjoy every moment and remember slow and steady wins the race! This is huge coming from me since my life song was "I'm in a hurry" by Alabama! Ryan and I are so thankful for our family and friends who have helped us with Harrison and Mae, made meals, and sent cards! Being apart has been extremely difficult, but appreciate all the help! Also, thanks for sending me pics of the kids:) A new movie was released today called "War Room." The trailer was amazing and it focuses on the power of prayer! Looks like a great film! Do Ryan and I a favor and go on a date this weekend! There is nothing better than a great movie with the one you love:) Last night Madison had stomach, teeth, and vomiting issues resulting in NO sleep for us😩 The biopsies came back this afternoon showing that Madison has GVHD of her esophagus. This explains her extreme vomiting and not wanting to eat. We are waiting for viral biopsies and they should be back next week. We are avoiding iv steroids at this point and treating with oral antibiotics. Please continue to pray! Our hope was to be in the apartment by next Friday (September 5), but looks like 10 days just got added to our time in the hospital:( Pray for healing, peace, and patience! |
April 2020
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