Wrapping up 2016! Rick Warren had an amazing devotion this morning! “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’” (John 8:12 NIV). When Jesus said, “I am the light of the world,” he was defining himself. He was saying, “I know who I am.” At least 18 times in the Bible, Jesus said, “I am” and then gave a description. He described himself as the door, the bread of life, the way, the truth, the resurrection, and the life. Over and over, he defined himself. Jesus knew who he was (and still is) and, as a result, he was not under pressure. This is the principle of identity. As long as you are unsure of your identity, you’re going to be pressured to fit into other people’s molds. They will manipulate you. They will try to make you into what they think you ought to be, rather than what God made you to be. One of the major causes of stress comes from trying to be somebody that you’re not. When you are fearful that someone’s going to find out what you’re really like and that you might not be able to keep up the façade, it causes stress. The only way you can counterbalance outside external pressures is to have an internal sense of satisfaction about who you are and who God made you to be. You discover who you are by knowing whose you are. The Bible says that you were created by God. You are deeply loved by him. You are accepted as you are. He has a plan for your life. Until you settle this issue of identity, you will be insecure and you will be pressured by stress. You cannot serve other people until you settle this issue. Jesus constantly did things that surprised everybody else. He put himself below others and served them. None of the other disciples would have ever thought to wash each other’s feet in the Upper Room because of their insecurity. But Jesus always served from a position of strength. He knew who and whose he was, so it didn’t matter that he lowered himself to serve them. Service comes from self-esteem. Until you overcome your insecurity and feel good about yourself, you won’t feel like helping anyone else. Be secure in who you are and whose you are so that you can effectively serve others. As we reflect on 2016 and set goals for 2017 may God guide us! May 2017 be focused on what God has called us to be!
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We have enjoyed celebrating Jesus' birthday the last two nights. Last night in Effingham and tonight in Edwardsville at Metro. The message tonight focused on how the only unfailing light comes from Christ. Paul (minister) was so passionate about the message that at one point tears filled his eyes. We are the church! I heard a statistic this week that one in ten share their faith (personal relationship with the Lord). Friends, I can't imagine my life without God! His guidance, his grace, his unfailing love, and his words! I have found that it has nothing to do with religion, but the relationship! Merry Christmas! My prayer is you will seek God's light ❤️ http://metrocommunitychurch.com/index.php/resources-16/current-series Let's be honest whether you are 87 minutes, 87 days, or 87 years old hospital stays are never fun. They can be stressful, filled with anxiety, and just plain difficult . Let's just say it wouldn't be a holiday if someone I loved wasn't in the hospital. Pops had knee replacement surgery on Tuesday. The surgery went great, but unfortunately he now has pneumonia. I spent the evening at the hospital with him and great gran.
When I walked into his hospital room let's just say grandpa was throwing a little fit. I was able to hear grandma speaking to grandpa like she has me and also my kids several times. Grandpa was telling her he wasn't going to eat and complaining about almost everything in the room. I smiled in doorway to the room and knew I was there for a reason. I went in and pulled out a bag of kettle corn. Grandpa replied, "I'm not eating that!" I then pulled out some chapstick. He thanked me because of course his lips are chapped. Then I pulled out a bag of peanuts, some mints, a candy bar, and the 2017 Farmers Almanac. I let Grandpa and Grandma finish their dispute and then I pulled up a chair. I opened the bag of kettle corn, then one handful at a time I placed it in front of grandpa. Guess what? He ate it. Hospital stays are never fun, but when those we love our in the hospital it is our duty to be there; so they know they are loved. The best place is home; so with a little bit of time, a little bit of rest, and a whole bunch of love he will be home next week! In life we can always focus on the negative, but focusing on the positive brings hope! On my way out of his room tonight, I reminded Grandpa that his knee now has 25,000 mile guarantee! We plan to jumpstart that in March when we go mushroom hunting. I can't imagine my life without my grandparents! They bring out the best in me and sometimes I feel like I bring out the best in them. Merry Christmas to all those that are either in or have a loved one in the hospital. Remember to take the time to go by for a visit, send a card, or just take a bag of kettle corn. It's the time of year we need to share the Christmas spirit! I'm so thankful we get to spend eternity in a perfect place called heaven! At the end of every day all that matters is our love for God and one another.
Our focus is on God and being who he has called us to be. We are far from perfect, but God's grace and love shines through. 2016 was filled with healing, growth, peace, and love. As we wrap up 2016; three words shine bright! GOD IS FAITHFUL! This year was at God's speed (not too fast or too slow...just right). We spent the year learning and adjusting to where God wanted us both as a family and individually. Thank you for going on this journey with us! Thank you for the prayers, love, and support! As we go into 2017, our family verse; is Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." What is your family verse for 2017? Time with my Littles!We officially started Christmas break! Harrison and Mae had an AMAZING Christmas performance! As you can tell the kids have grown the last year! We had a cookie decorating contest today! The kids had fun and of course got all sugared up❤️ As we begin this Christmas break may we take advantage of the moments we can share the birth of Jesus!
April 2020
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