I'm usually a start a project and finish it all in one day type gal, but recently changed course. A couple of years ago, Ryan made me a picket fence. Each board he cut and nailed! We stained it brown and of course over time needed some TLC. I decided, regardless if it sounded cliche; I wanted to paint it white! Yes, I wanted a white picket fence! A couple of weeks ago, I pressure washed it and got it ready to paint. I bought a paint sprayer and planned to knock out the painting in one day. The sprayer wouldn't work and the wind began to blow so I had to use a brush. I loved using a brush...I needed this project! I've been painting the fence a little at a time and it still isn't done two weeks later. I will apply one more coat of paint on the inside of the fence this week or when time allows. We were suppose to leave yesterday for Madison's Bear Hug! A family trip to Utica, IL. Cabin, hiking, and indoor water park. Unfortunately, Madison is still not feeling well and we had to cancel the trip. Madison is still fighting pneumonia and is homebound! Madison's hair is long enough for a pony❤️ No clue where her little life has gone, but thankful God has allowed me to turn this ship around! My only regret and its huge- I was so busy her first year of life: juggling the farm, home, ministry, relationships, and people pleasing that I lost who God wanted me to be! I do feel God was leading me during that season, but the add-on commitments I was doing to please others wasn't apart of his plan!
The title is a little more dramatic than reality... Like many of our Glennon Family it takes a lot for us to lose our minds (no minds lost today- just a few more gray hairs added to the head!) A routine visit to STL lead to a chest x-ray, more meds, and new pants❤️ Thankfully, the pneumonia is mild and we are praying that after a couple of days all will be good in the world of Madison. No hospital admission so praying the rest at home and the meds do the trick! The pain tolerance of kids with terminal illness is out of this world! Trust me you wouldn't have known she was even sick. We had a funny thing happen today... The medical world isn't flawless and today one of the syringes broke while blood was being drawn for labs... Needless to say blood went all over! It looked way worse than it was and of course little Great Gran was with us... It seems she sees way too much when she comes. I laughed it off, thankfully it wasn't any higher or more people would have been staring😁 Madison's pants went in the trash and she got a new pair of pjs! The scrub pants that I could have changed into would have been too long for Cynthia Sidwell (extremely tall bf) so I wore the blood stained pants.
One powerful tool that we can control is our reactions in life! No, I don't always react the way Jesus did, but I've come along way! One positive reaction can change your frown upside down❤️❤️ We all have seasons in our lives. Ryan and I recently ended one and are beginning another... I'm not really sure what to call this season, but so far it has involved lots of being still. As we are still busy with Madison we are in a process that feels natural. Day by day, not making plans that can't change, and the reality plans will change. Our lives revolve around the schedules of others (therapist, doctors, etc.) All of which, isn't new. My calendar living, to-do list conquering, type A motivated lifestyle seems to be the thing of the past. I've adjusted to spontaneity, the word, "No," and the reality that in one minute my life could change course. This season doesn't have a road map, to-do list, or honestly any goals at all. For the first time in my life I don't feel as if I belong anywhere. I'm not upset about it just know that where I belong is in the peace of the Lord. The core of me is at times unsettled feeling as if I need to "do" something, but God is quick to refrain me to "being" instead. I have no clue what God has in store, no clue on the length of this season, but I do know he is preparing our hearts for something great! We've been moving and listening to God's direction. Honestly, filled with lots of questions, but trusting his guidance. I've been emmersed in the book, "Present over Perfect" where literally I have said or felt so many of the words on those pages. I've spent much time listening (odd for me I know), being, and finding the core of who God wants me to be. In our life, the last 19 months God has been at work! He has turned it upside down, inside out, and then carefully placed all in his perfect order. Honestly, where I am today I've had nothing to do with. God has been in complete control. Today, God affirmed where we belong- in his peace. Our hearts belonging to him with the willingness to be his hands and feet. For the last year we have watched Westside Christian Church, Springfield live on Sunday mornings. Today, we were not only there spiritually, emotionally, but physically! We were completely excited! The love of the Lord upon walking in was breathtaking! The conversations with followers were intentional and powerful! A full circle, affirmation that we are the church, and God is in complete control! Thank you Westside for your amazing online ministry! By watching the service live we are able to listen to the praise and worship in addition to the sermon! I personally love this since God uses music so often to speak and affirm his will for me❤️ We all have or will have times that physically being with believers on Sunday morning isn't possible. Trychurchonline.org is an amazing tool during that season! So often we get wrapped up into cliques or simply the need to belong in a group. This isn't just a teenage thing it is an adult thing. We feel as if we need a long list of groups or things we are involved in to be important. God has shown me that finding our worth in other humans will not result in happiness.
What season are you in? At one point in my life I was so busy doing that I didn't even know the season had changed. Pray this week for guidance and please let me know how I can pray for you❤️ Having only brothers, caring for only boys in college, I assumed God would only give me boys! When God gave me Maebry and then Madison I'm sure all found humor in this. I still have no clue how to do hair, buy dresses, or deal with attitude, but I know how to raise strong-willed, confident, and loving girls! Thank you God for giving me my girls! More pics to come of all five of us!
Much has changed since we had our picture taken last... The last three years have been a roller coaster ride for each of us. Many good memories and many growing moments. Thankful on days like today when we are together! Laughter filled the air and so thankful every day for my three little brothers❤️
April 2020
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