Well, we have to move out during the construction regardless of the preventives we take. Madison doesn't have an immune system that could fight any fungal infections so we are moving out. They are renovating one of the Ronald McDonald houses in STL so both Children's and Cardinal Glennon are sharing one, which means no room for us! Thankfully we have Aunt Kathy! She doesn't really go anywhere, isn't sick, and willing to house the Lash family for two weeks!❤️ SERVPRO will be cleaning her house tomorrow and setting up portable HEPA systems. The doctor was upset Madison was still at home, but I didn't know we had to have her out! So we will be moving over the weekend. Needless to say the idea of moving has made them exhausted! Madison rocked some crazy hair at clinic, but had good spirits! Labs looked good so we won't be returning till next Thursday!❤️ While the girls and I were at clinic Dani took Harrison to our old stomping ground! We are so blessed to have this amazing young woman apart of our lives! Today, I was asked if Dani was my sister... Since I had my hair up and looked rough I felt I needed to say a "good friend!"❤️😂
April 2020
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