Yesterday was filled with several of God's divine interruptions... Those of you who don't know how our story began almost a year ago, I've attached my FB post from April 19th, 2015. Please read this first post so you can better understand how God moved yesterday! (Post is in blue) Today's post will continue in black. April 19th, 2015There are events in ones life that are game changing, scary, emotional, and intense. There are events that you are thrown into not knowing the outcome just knowing God has placed you there for a reason. "Why me?" You find yourself asking. Then God doesn't tell you he shows you! The Lash family had a pretty easy day planned Friday. Getting donuts at a local bakery, physicals for Harrison and Mae for school in the fall, park date, and naps:) Soon after Ms. Vaughn finished Harrison and Mae's physicals I asked her to check Madison's ears. Madison hadn't seemed like herself on and off all week. I just thought it was either teeth or ears. Soon after Ms.Kathy looked at Madison we all were heading to Effingham for blood work. Little did I know the next 24 hours would be a roller coaster. The blood results were critically low leading to a trip to Cardinal Glennon. New labs confirmed the counts in Effingham... We had a huge problem. Doctors, oncologist, labs, etc. we found the ER room spinning. One doctor even cried with me for everyone thought "Leukemia" would be Madison's soon prognosis. Due to blood levels being so low sedating her for a bone marrow biopsy would have to wait till Saturday. Friday night included prayer, tears, two blood transfusions, and platelets. We entered Saturday scared! Being two people with a strong faith in God we knew all was in his hands, but fear filled my heart. Madison's levels allowed for a bone marrow biopsy to take place. The oncologist prior to the biopsy stated, "we will be able to tell what stage of leukemia she has." The question above I asked again! "Why?" Then as we were waiting outside of the room while they did Madison's biopsy Ryan and I looked to our left to see a dad walking in and out of a room.... I asked, "How are you doing?" He replied, "hanging in there. You?" We replied, "the same." I then asked is your son or daughter in here?" The response was.... I had twin girls that are six they were in an accident last night with there grandpa. A car hit them head on. Grandpa died instantly and girls were flown here... Sierra didn't make it and Meadow has several broken bones in her arms... He began to cry as did Ryan and I. He continued the girls started there life at Cardinal Glennon coming prematurely and one ended there life here..... Moments later Madison was done and I went in and picked her up and walked out of the room with this dad looking at us with hurt, sadness, and love in his eyes... Later that day while waiting for results our church youth group came by. They all prayed for Madison and then we went and prayed with the family we had just meant. After praying the dad grabbed my arm and said, "she is fine. She doesn't have it. There is a guardian angel watching over her." About two hours later the bone marrow biopsy results were in... No leukemia! All the doctors were surprised and Ryan and I were crying tears of joy! I went down to the dad's room to tell him and he replied, "I know!" Today little Meadow had surgery on both her arms. God again crossed our paths with her father. He updated us on surgery and then shared he was so glad we were there yesterday and today. Due to Madison's levels still being low and no answers we are in the hospital again tonight and tomorrow will be filled with more tests, labs, etc. truthfully, Ryan and I know why we are here. It goes way beyond Madison being sick. Please be in prayer for Meadow! The family will be heading home tomorrow to plan two funerals Please pray for our Madison that the reason her bone marrow is suppressed will come to light. God has a plan! Just open your eyes and listen to him! My great Aunt Donna went to be with The Lord yesterday at the same time we were getting the news "no leukemia!" One day ill find out who the angel is:) Today! April 3, 2016Now that your up to speed.... I can't wait to share how God moved yesterday! Saturday nothing on the calendar! Ryan wanted to travel to get BBQ in Marion, IL and I wanted to see my Renko family... OUR PLANS ARE NEVER IN STONE! Ryan decided to get all the mowing done before leaving and I needed to call Dr.Ferguson about Madison's break in her line that happened Friday night before heading out for the day. God intervened and off to the ER we went. After just two hours Madison's blood cultures had been drawn and she had a dose of rocephin... At 2pm, Madison and I got in the van and Ryan said, "lets go a long way home." We headed on 55 south to St. Genevieve and then God headed us towards Duquinos then we hit an intersection where we could go straight for Duquinos, turn right for Carbondale, or left towards Nashville... At this point I'm anxious! Chest is pounding, kids are getting tired, so I told Ryan to just get us home.... After a few more miles Ryan and I found ourselves in Sesser. Ryan looked at me and said, "Linds isn't this where?" I interrupted and said, "Hess Family!" I instantly picked up the phone and called them! Chad answered with "Yes, we live north of Sesser!" Clearly this was our destination. Chad gave us directions and we drove to their home! A 350 mile circle lead us to the family whose life changed the same day ours did... With tears we visited, prayed, and most of all let God's love fill the room. Ryan and I ask you pray for the Hess family the rest of this month! When God is the driver of your life and you allow him to use, mold, and shape you wonderful things happen. To No Surprise West Side Christian Church service was on suffering!A touching video at the end of the sermon... God has a plan and we trust the plan!
1 Comment
4/4/2016 07:13:45 am
I am amazed at how God has used you and Ryan and other families in difficult situations to build one another up. What a horrible tragedy the Hess family has gone through - I will definitely pray for them. Reading your post, I can't even imagine the roller coaster the last year has been for your family. I'm glad the year is behind you and you're moving forward. Thank you for sharing your journey!
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