Several have asked what a typical week looks like for Madison so I decided to keep track this week..... Ryan and I are blessed to have Madison and honored God chose us to take care for her on earth. Those of you who have followed my blog for the 100+ days know that I rarely complain nor mention all the hours that go into caring for a child with a bone marrow transplant. The reason why I don't complain is simple... I love Madison! Ryan and I are thankful that we have her! I've not hidden information from all of you I've just made the choice to FOCUS on the positive!
SO BELOW IS HER MEDICAL LINE UP..... 17 hours in Clinic 9 Blood draws 42 doses of oral meds 100 doses of IV meds (usually 99, but got an extra antibiotic this week) 133 hours connected to one or two pumps while she is getting IV meds 2 dressing changes 42 applications of diaper creams (I put three different kinds on twice daily) 3 statlock and tubing changes 1 EKG (not every week) Urine and poo sample (not every week) 40+ times her blood pressure was taken (usually only 10 times/week) 20 times temperature taken 5 times weight taken 1 time height taken NOW FOR THE PART WE FOCUS ON.... 42 hours of not being attached to a pump! 150 hours of being happy and smiling 21 hours playing with Harrison and Mae 12 hours all five of us being together under one roof 19 home cooked meals (She eats leftovers twice a week) 14 snacks (Cinnamon toast crunch is her favorite) 2 hours helping/watching mommy write thank you cards for all the support 4.5 hours reading books, dancing, or singing (she loves her Doc McStuffins microphone) 1 hour driving around looking at City Life 60-70 hours sleeping We all have things we do during the day that may not be our favorite things..., but we do them... When we do them with love in our heart and a smile on our face it makes those things a little easier to do the next day. Thank you to all the moms who care for their children every day. Remember NO ONE can be a better mom for your kids!!!
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