This season has opened our eyes and hearts to a world we didn't even know existed. Unless you have experienced a child with a terminal illness you may not even know this world exist. Every day parents are told that there child is sick and without certain procedures, treatments, or medicines they will not survive. Every day a parent's worse fear becomes a parent's reality.
Our family is amazing! The multiple prayers each day, texts, cards, help with benefits, help with the kids, visits, gifts, etc. The list goes on and on of how our family has been there for us through this season. Ryan and I have NO clue what we would do without each and every one of them! We thank God every day for our family! We have been inspired, blessed, and loved by several other families on this journey and to so many a "thank you" never seems like enough. Families that love and support us with nothing expected in return. Families that pray for us without ceasing. Families that call, send cards, monetary donations, gift cards just to let us know they care. Thank you all for loving us through this season! People always ask, "How can you stay so positive?" The answer is easy, "God never gives me more than I can handle and when I feel like I've hit my limit God sends me you!" At the very beginning of this season, I received a message from Marsha Sasse sharing that her and Rick were praying for us and were behind us 110%. Marsha and Rick were once in similar shoes... 27 years ago (on November 12th) their son Mike was diagnosed with ALL. A week after Marsha contacted me Mike called to make sure all was well and to be a listening ear. Shortly, after that the weekly cards started coming to the hospital, fb messages from the entire Sasse family, and even visits. The Sasse Family has paid it forward to us! In addition, to all the things they have done they still are doing! The last two Saturdays they all have been helping Ryan get our house safe for Madison to come home! ONE major thing I have learned from this season is how important it is "pay it forward!" One day there will be a family that will be going through this season and that is the time we pour into that family what all of you have poured into us.... Thank you Sasse Family for "paying it forward," for loving us, inspiring us, and for supporting us! One day we will do the same for another family! If we all were to give 10% of what God gives us can you imagine what this world would be like?
Lorre Winter
10/20/2015 11:29:14 pm
Beautifully said! We do not know what the future holds but we do know Who holds our future!
Tina Benning
10/21/2015 12:14:47 pm
I love reading ur post. The Sasse family in near and dear to us. They have a heart of gold and ur right will pay it forward however they can. We continue to pray for Madison and ur family. God is good! Ur right he only gives us what he feels we can handle. God Bless u and I love ur posts. U are paying forward by being a true inspiration to all of us. I enjoyed listening to Harrison when I go to pu the girls. He is a very wise young man! Maebry always comes for a Hug! I love ur family !
Lisa Riedy
10/21/2015 12:58:52 pm
Lindsay, your daily post inspire me daily! I feel so blessed to have met you and Madison! Love to you and your family!!
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